I think of Peak Performance Coaching more like archery lessons for the heart…
…than voice work, although it does involve the voice. Some of the basic components of archery are that you must have a clear aim, a well made arrow, and a good, strong bow.
You are already amazing at the creative process. You’ve done it countless times. You dream something, talk about it, then do it. From making a large holiday meal, going on a week-long trip, or throwing a surprise party, you’ve been creating successfully since you were a small child.
I want to help you do it even better.
You have unique gifts to express. In an era where most of our communication takes place online it can seem harder and harder to get our point across, much less translate that conversation into action. The FlowState Tuning Method is a tool you can use to hone your creative expression and master the skillful use of your body and mind. I’ll help you sharpen those arrows so when you let fly, your words hit home.
This is a fast-paced world we’re living in and the pursuit of excellence requires us to really be on our toes. Sometimes it can be hard to stay open with so many demands pulling on us. Most of us are under a lot of tension, especially if we are trying to do something meaningful with our lives. Our culture has taught us to think of tension as something bad, but tension is necessary for creativity.
The discomfort that arises during the creative process is caused by the difference between your current reality and your vision. Its easy for our imaginations to traverse that gap, but making those dreams real takes work. Want to grow your business? Chasing that publishing deal? Fantasizing about taking your art to the next level? A truly masterful creator needs to cultivate presence of mind. They have to stay grounded and centered, poised and focused while under incredible tension to be able to hit more and more ambitious targets.
There’s a lot of modalities available nowadays to help you relieve tension and stress. Therapies. Yoga. Little squishy balls that you can fidget with under the desk in your office. I don’t want to help you get rid of tension. I want to show you how to use it skillfully. I want you to be able to respond with grace to any situation that shows up on your path to mastery so you can advance like a juggernaut towards your goal no matter what obstacles come up to hinder the fulfillment of your creative potential.
When you become aware of how you are generating and using tension, your body becomes like a fine, well-balanced bow. That tension, when it is released, turns into power. Power in the direction of what you really want.
So, what do you really want?
You can have the best arrows in the world and a really nice bow made by a 5th generation samurai but it doesn’t make any difference if you aren’t sure what you’re aiming at. With no aim you’re just waving or, worse yet, shooting arrows around haphazardly. That’s a lot of energy for very little result.
You have to get crystal clear about what you’re shooting for in your business, your relationships, your health, time management, or whatever your goal may be if you actually want to hit anything of value. No matter what level you are playing at, creative true growth requires constant course correction.
If you’re on the edge of a tidal wave that is about to break, two degrees of difference in your aim can mean the difference between ending up in Spain or Senegal after the wave crests. The more successful you are, the more power you’re working with. The more power you’re working with, the more important it is to be calm, clear, and certain about where you want to end up. On the path to creative mastery there is always a higher octave, another turn on the spiral staircase. Eventually, you can evolve past the need to hit your targets, and find true pleasure in working yourself against the tension of ever more complex cycles of creative unfoldment. Success in your outer life simply becomes an indication of the real success, which is true mastery over yourself.
I want to show you how this elegant mechanism, your Body Mind and Voice, work together. I want to help you open your eyes to the wonder of the ordinary miracle that is YOUR unique instrument and gifts. I want to witness as you attain higher and higher levels of success in the pursuit of your dreams. You are a sovereign creative force that is totally unique and your treasures will never be duplicated by anyone else that lives. We can practice taking aim and letting those arrows fly during our sessions together so that you will have the skill, strength, and self-assurance to nail it when you are out on the real field of play.
Your life.
You can be healthier, wealthier, and more joyful. You can have the relationship of your dreams. You can be a groundbreaker and lead those around you in the creation of a better world. You can be a light in the darkness.
Sound like a bit of a stretch?
GOOD. We’re gonna need that tension. Whether you are a seasoned creator or just had your first big idea strike like a bolt from the blue, I want to help you hit the target again and again.
It’s time to make your mark!